Saturday, December 26, 2009

ChaCha Sucks!

ChaCha is a free texting service that you can use to send a question through text and get an answer back and an advertisement. Well, it used to be and it used to be good and cool, but now they've limited the number of texts that a user can send from a phone number and require you to dial into their BS line 18002chacha and speak your question to get your answer via a text.

What's wrong with this? The simple fact that every time I use this service to try to get an answer, I tend to get slammed with "Network issue, this is temporary, please try again later" and I ask the same question later and BAM same network issue apparently. In reality, I know a ChaCha transcriber is just too fucking stupid to know how to type what I'm saying.

I ask a question "Where can I find a working copy of HaxOS NTDX?" and I get an answer stating I need to further elaborate or that I didn't provide enough information for them to search. I look up HaxOS on Google and BAM it's on fucking Increase Your Portion's Social Network with details about it being a Linux OS for mobile phones and iPod Touches. Took me less than 2 minutes to find by just searching "HaxOS" on Google.

Here's the ticker, I can quickly and easily find this shit myself, provided I were at home during the time that I needed or wanted to know the information at hand, but NO they have to give me this bullshit. What's funny? KGB was able to answer the question. Yes, I wasted a whole fucking dollar bill to text KGB on how to find HaxOS and they gave me a direct fucking link! ChaCha couldn't even begin to wrap their head around the god damned question!!

So I take it, KGB for when you need real, serious and factual information and ChaCha for useless bullshit like racist and sex jokes. ChaCha, you guys are fucking useless when you can't be texted the question. Your transcribers are fucking morons!

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